Thursday, May 07, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Just As The Seat's Becoming Warm...
Perak BN MB Engage Bomoh Service? - MalaysiaKini SMS 04/05/09
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Visiter Tested A(H1N1)Negative In Penang - MalaysiaKini SMS 03/05/09
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Swine Flu Hits Asia - MalaysiaKini SMS 02/05/09
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Muslim Convert Challenges Govt's Conversion Ban - MalaysiaKini SMS 30/04/09
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Fw: BlackBerry Test
To: go@blogger
Subject: BlackBerry Test
Sent: Apr 30, 2009 9:38 PM
Just testing whether this post would able to reach this blog via my trusty BB Bold.
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Back Again...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Announcement : Wordpress it is.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!
As usual, none of the Chinese shops are open (I'm posting this from an Indian coffee shop by the way awaiting my roti canai takeaways).
The Chinese has been contributing to our nation's economy even before the formation of Malaysia.
Now with the current political situation, we see the main 3 races; Malay,Chinese and Indian are at logger-heads with each other due to various reasons.
With that, I hope that this year will see some stability and of course prosperity in our nation. This can only be achieved through peace and understanding of one another.
I'm thankful that in Sabah, we still have the open-mindedness between races. The year has only started and the challenges are numerous. Unity within the state is crucial so I hope and pray that good things would come to pass.
Once again I would like to wish everybody a Happy Chinese New Year and may all of you will become blessed with health and prosperity.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bernama SMS 22/01/09
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
MalaysiaKini SMS 20/01/09
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sabah AG Quits : MalaysiaKini SMS 19/01/09
Israel Withdraws - MalaysiaKini SMS 19/01/09
Saturday, January 17, 2009
PAS Wins KT: Updates From Malaysia Today (Final)
Got these results from here
PAS strengthens lead at 9.25pm with 2,631 votes
As of 9.25pm, PAS's candidate Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut leads with 2,631-vote majority.
Updates From Malaysia Today
Got this results from here
Latest from the PAS IT centre:
PAS = 24,604
BN = 22,380
PAS leading by 2,224 (or is that 2,055?)
MalaysiaKini SMS 17/01/09 (5)
MalaysiaKini SMS 17/01/09 (4)
MalaysiaKini SMS 17/01/09 (3)
MalaysiaKini SMS 17/01/09 (2)
MalaysiaKini SMS 17/01/09
Friday, January 16, 2009
MalaysiaKini SMS 16/01/09 (2)
MalaysiaKini SMS : 16/01/09
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Proton Savvy : Thailand Top 10

Monday, January 12, 2009
Ol Ai Wan Fo Krismas...
Bernama SMS 12/01/09 (2)
Bernama SMS 12/01/09
MKini SMS 12/01/09
Friday, January 09, 2009
MKini SMS 09/01/09 (3)
MKini SMS 09/01/09 (2)
MKini SMS 09/01/09
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Somewhere In Time by John Barry (1980)

The next version by Ernie Vasquez, though not as full as the one above, was the one that inspired me to seek out the guitar tablature of this song. This version sounds sweet and easy...
If weren't for John Barry's music, the film wouldn't have any impact at all. In this case, the music helped the movie a lot. If the music were to be mediocre, even Superman himself won't be able to save the day... (Okay, okay... the time traveling theme is good but its predominantly a love story and with romance, one needs to have the mood... I'm getting ahead of myself and it's not even Valentine's Day yet!)
MKini SMS 08/01/09 (2)
Dangerously Flirting With Wordpress...

I was just fiddling around's blogging features. I find it to be more sophisticated and user friendly in comparison to I spent a couple of hours with it including importing information off this blog site to It can import my pictures but not my embedded videos and music. I guess I'd have to do it manually.
MKini SMS 08/01/09
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
MKini SMS 07/01/09 (2)
Back To School Blues Part 2
Anyway, last night my kid needed help with his homework i.e Pendidikan Moral. I was disturbed to find out the only religion that was left out was Ugama Kristian. The rest are all there; Islam,Hindu,Buddha and Sikh. I had a hard time explaining to the poor confused child about our missing religion(the child's father is equally confused and poor by the way).
There are so many questions about issues that need answers in our country. And this is one of them... Why is Ugama Kristian is absent from Pendidikan Moral Darjah 4?
You know it would be very easy if I gave up Christianity in favour of Islam. The things that I'm doing now would have been super-smooth. Last year, a friend of mine converted to Islam because she wanted marry her Muslim boyfriend. A person forced to be converted to another religion in order to marry...
You know that writing about this is very depressing. Of course it is the Education Ministry's tactic to increase Islamisation of the whole nation. They go after our kids.
You want to talk about morality?
Okay, lets go.
Where is the moral in allowing a man to marry 4 times? Won't that bring hurt and disharmony to the 1st family? Of course it will! We are dealing with human feelings. Recently a family member of mine was abandoned by her muslim husband because he wanted to marry another woman. But what can she do? Complain?
Anyway that aside, we are stuck in a country full of bigots and hypocrites. It breaks my heart everytime I think about it.
Okay. Gotta go now. Kid 2 is out from class. Catch up later.
MKini SMS 07/01/09 (2)
Back To School Blues
I shall try not to complain :0)
Anyway, whoops... Gotta go...kid number one just came out...