Ustaz Hashim Jasin
Though it is only a state seat and not parliament, this shows the political instability that is plaguing the nation. Now the BN has lesser seats in the Perlis State Legislative which constitutes 15 representatives. Now it is BN's 13 to PAS' 2.
My question: how weird is that to have a STATE ASSEMBLY in session with ONLY 15 people?
"We need to resolve these very important state issues immediately!"
"Wanna talk about it over at my place? Over roast lamb?"
"Sure, no problem. But you gotta call the others, man."
"Why me? Its your turn!"
"I just can't stand what's his face, that guy"
"Why can't we just not invite him?"
"But we'll hurt his feelings. You know how upset he can be. Besides he's a relative"
"Okay lar... I'll do it... but you are making the sauce!"
"You know how much the price has gone...?"
"Don't you start on that now... just make the sauce!"
*My apologies if the conversation sounds a bit like the Sopranos...
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