
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Special Attention Everybody

Dear Readers,

Please be informed that I'm no longer updating this blog spot. I can't afford the time to manage more than one blog. I'm now blogging here

I like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has visited this blog and posted their comments. I sure hope you would give my new site a chance as you have done for me here :)

Take care everybody!


Monday, May 04, 2009

Just As The Seat's Becoming Warm...

... I just went and pulled another Houdini! Something is wrong with this particular blogspot... it has been acting up pretty strange lately. It's been irritating so I've created another blog. Since I've got 2 official blogs running, I've decided to call the new one simply Jongandhi III.

With this new blog of mine, there will be simply the bare essentials to work with. I'm not particular anymore about how my blog looks like; I just simply want to post stuff that finds my fancy. And no Ad-Sense for me! I just couldn't figure out how that works!

Looks like I'm saying goodbye again to this blogspot! But this time I won't promise anything; I might come back or I might not.

It doesn't really matter anyway. Be good everybody!



Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Perak BN MB Engage Bomoh Service? - MalaysiaKini SMS 04/05/09

4/5: PAS Titi Serong state rep Khalil Idham Lim has accused Perak BN MB Zambry of employing a bomoh to remove Perak speaker V Sivakumar./MKINI
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Visiter Tested A(H1N1)Negative In Penang - MalaysiaKini SMS 03/05/09

3/5: A New Zealander in Penang who complained of being unwell and was warded yesterday has tested negative for the A(H1N1) deadly flu./MKINI
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Swine Flu Hits Asia - MalaysiaKini SMS 02/05/09

2/5: Swine flu hits Asia. Hong Kong - entire hotel quarantined after traveler tested positive; South Korea - a woman also tested postive./MKINI
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Muslim Convert Challenges Govt's Conversion Ban - MalaysiaKini SMS 30/04/09

30/4: Muslim convert K Patmanathan has filed suit challenging the recent cabinet decision to ban parents from secretly converting children./MKINI
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Fw: BlackBerry Test

------Original Message------
To: go@blogger
Subject: BlackBerry Test
Sent: Apr 30, 2009 9:38 PM

Just testing whether this post would able to reach this blog via my trusty BB Bold.

Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Back Again...

...And I just cannot keep away from Blogger!

Well, at the end of the day simplicity is always the order of the day. No, I shall not indulge myself in Wordpress-bashing because I'm still keeping my site there active. Just think of it as having a few homes around web!

Pros and cons, ladies and gentlemen, pros and cons. So okay, I'll start write something here soon whenever I get some free time.

I feel so at peace here without the clutter!

Oh by the way....

I heard that Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan will be joining......

(Drum rolls...)


See ya later! :)

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